The Spotlight on Jennifer Lunsford with Fuller Insurance

Jennifer Lunsford is launching a new career as a Medicare Insurance Agent and is inviting the BWFC to join her as she shares with us her journey into this new career as well as introduce many of us to this complicated health insurance working Americans need to know more about. But don’t worry, Jennifer will make it easy to understand.

Did you know, more and more Americans are working beyond their 65th birthday, and it’s not uncommon to be 70 before retiring out of the workplace and yet, the working Medicare Insurance beneficiaries must enroll in Medicare Insurance even if they are working and have health insurance?
Did you know, Medicare Insurance is available to qualifying Medicare Insurance beneficiaries under 65 with disabilities?
Did you know Medicare Insurance beneficiaries need a licensed and certified Medicare Insurance agent to review and enroll into policies every year?

Regardless of your age or retirement goals, this event will help you, or someone you love, understand the complicated Medicare Insurance health insurance a little bit more. Jennifer believes life can be harder when “you don’t know what you don’t know” and she is ready to get everyone “in the know” with Medicare Insurance and why it is important to know what you don’t know.

* Drop-ins are welcome and visitors are invited to attend up to two Spotlights, Connects, or Gatherings before joining.


Jan 23 2024


5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Lela’s Place
110 Genevieve Court, Peachtree City
QR Code

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